The Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Christ
248-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard.
Rosedale, NY 11422-2252
Founded in 1913, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Christ is a traditional Lutheran congregation faithful to the Holy Scriptures, the three catholic Creeds (Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian), and the 16th Century Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord. We use the Lutheran Book of Worship and our liturgies are reverent and beautiful.
We also operate a parochial school for students in grades K-8 which has been offering a quality education since 1965.
Ours is a welcoming, loving, ethnically diverse congregation, alive and active in the Spirit, and seeking always to spread the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Schedule
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
We are a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-International.
The Most Rev. Robert W. Hotes, Archbishop
The Rt. Rev. Aubrey N. Bougher, Diocesan Bishop